PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring Tool

Measure Postgres query latency, throughput, errors, warnings, and execution plans.

Monitor and optimize queries for your PostgreSQL deployment

SolarWinds Database Observability can collect, analyze, and visualize the performance data you need to pinpoint PostgreSQL performance issues. We measure latency, throughput, errors, warnings, and execution plans for executed queries. Designed by IT professionals for IT professionals, Database Observability is built to be intuitive, allowing you to drill down from a global view to examine specific problem queries on individual servers with a few clicks.

Collect detailed PostgreSQL performance monitoring metrics

Database Observability provides powerful PostgreSQL monitoring tools for measuring a broad set of system metrics in addition to metrics exposed by PostgreSQL. It can also monitor and classify multi-dimensional data on queries, users, databases, and processes, in addition to tracking the disk usage, CPU, and other system components.

Database Observability is built to capture over 10,000 metrics every second—a powerful combination of features designed to provide the insights you need to quickly diagnose and solve performance problems in minutes, rather than hours or days.

Use cloud-based PostgreSQL monitoring tools

Since Database Observability is a Software as a Service (SaaS) tool, there’s nothing to provision, buy, or maintain to use this PostgreSQL monitoring solution. Database Observability is also updated and upgraded regularly, automatically giving you access to new features and capabilities.

From installation to resource usage, Database Observability is built to get you up and running as efficiently as possible. Our passive agents are built to auto-discover your databases and network resources, using techniques such as network traffic capture and system view inspection. The agents are also designed to be highly safe with data encryption in-flight and at-rest, requiring no inbound network access and are built to use less than 1% CPU.

Analyze metrics with adaptive fault detection and big data analytics

In addition to PostgreSQL monitoring tools, database observability features a state-of-the-art, big data analytics platform featuring advanced techniques like regression analysis and queueing theory to deliver unmatched insight into the relationships between queries, CPU, and I/O.

With its adaptive fault detection feature, database observability can also help you find small interruptions to server or service availability, such as micro-fine server stalls, for each PostgreSQL database.

Support multiple teams with PostgreSQL monitoring tools

SolarWinds Observability is designed for cross-functional teams by enabling application developers and database admins to work better together for efficient problem solving. Easy integration with chat, deep-linking, quick sharing, and other features help streamline the process of tracking issues.

Database Observability can also be used in development and staging to catch problems before they’re released to production. It’s is a powerful, affordable, and intuitive solution built to allow teams to analyze production query and server behavior easier.

Get More on PostgreSQL Monitoring

Do you find yourself asking…
  • PostgreSQL is an open-source, object-relational database popular for its reliability, data integrity, and extensibility. Features like write-ahead logs (WALs) and Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) help make PostgreSQL highly useful for application developers and administrators alike.

    PostgreSQL uses built-in replication—both synchronous and asynchronous—to manage database traffic more effectively. For this reason, it’s recommended to have an effective PostgreSQL performance monitoring solution. The MVCC function also uses various lock modes to manage concurrent access to database tables, which makes PostgreSQL lock monitoring necessary, as well.

Optimize database performance with PostgreSQL

SolarWinds Observability

  • 24/7 PostgreSQL monitoring for real-time and historical analysis.
  • Leverage best practice recommendations for PostgreSQL query and database optimization.
  • View an intuitive interface with customizable graphs and charts. 

Starts at $5.00

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